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Commentary: State Water Regulators Are Listening to and Learning How to Promote Conservation

By Ellen Hanak, David Mitchell

In an op-ed for the Sacramento Bee, senior fellow Ellen Hanak and adjunct fellow David Mitchell commend the State Water Board for adjusting its draft urban water conservation regulations back in March. They say the changes will give needed flexibility to struggling water agencies and help protect low-income customers from extreme rate hikes.


Priorities for California’s Water

By Jeffrey Mount, Letitia Grenier, Ellen Hanak, Caitlin Peterson ...

California has made great strides in preparing for a drier, hotter future, but it remains a challenge to harness the bounty of wet years while also reducing flood risk. How did California’s water sector manage the unusually wet 2023 water year—and what lessons can we glean for the future?

blog post

New State and Federal Measures Aim to Manage Extreme Heat Risks

By Gokce Sencan

As climate change progresses, extreme heat events will become more frequent, more severe, and longer in duration. Several new state and federal programs aim to protect individuals and communities from the effects of extreme heat.

blog post

Managing Family Forests Is Key to Managing Wildfire

By Annabelle Rosser, Henry McCann

In the Sierra-Cascade region, many mixed-conifer forests belong to small family operations, which typically struggle to carry out robust forest management. This gap in management is putting communities at risk; a few policy changes could help.


Advancing Ecosystem Restoration with Smarter Permitting

By Letitia Grenier, Stephanie Panlasigui, Crissy Pickett, Gokce Sencan

California’s ecosystems are vital to the state’s economy and wellbeing, yet they’re in dire health. Large-scale restoration is needed, and implementing smarter permitting can help.

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