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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Achieving Universal Broadband in California

By Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao, Darriya Starr, Amy Gong Liu

The COVID-19 pandemic spurred historic federal and state investments in broadband. Achieving universal broadband in California will require coordinated efforts among service providers, municipalities, and community organizations to overcome existing barriers and leverage funding opportunities.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: The Impact of Health Insurance on Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Patricia Malagon, Shannon McConville, Mary Severance

The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Californians gain health insurance over the past decade. In addition to improving access to care, the ACA has enhanced financial well-being. This work focuses on the significant contribution of publicly funded health coverage—particularly Medi-Cal—to family resources across the state.


The Impact of Health Insurance on Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Patricia Malagon, Shannon McConville

The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Californians gain health insurance over the past decade. In addition to improving access to care, the ACA has increased financial well-being. This analysis focuses on the significant contribution of publicly funded health coverage—particularly Medi-Cal—to family resources across the state.


Is College Worth It?

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez, Vicki Hsieh, Hans Johnson

Rising college costs and a reluctance to take on debt lead many students and families to wonder if college will actually yield a brighter future with higher earnings and better jobs. In this explainer, we explore whether the benefits of a college degree outweigh the costs.

blog post

Are Summer School Programs Reaching Students Who Need Them Most?

By Darriya Starr, Niu Gao

Nearly three in ten California students attended summer programs in 2022, on par with the national average. In light of significant disparities in how the pandemic affected learning, we look at participation in these programs and the role new federal and state investments might play in expanding educational opportunities.

blog post

New Horizons for Senior Fellow Alvar Escriva-Bou

By Sarah Bardeen

In over seven years at the PPIC Water Policy Center, senior fellow Alvar Escriva-Bou has contributed enormously to our research, particularly around drought, agriculture, and the San Joaquin Valley. Now, as he moves on to a new chapter as a faculty member at UCLA, we asked him to reflect on his time at PPIC—and to tell us more about what’s next.


Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Arrests in California

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, California’s criminal justice system was affected by public health measures such as the statewide shelter-in-place order, along with state and local criminal justice directives intended to minimize exposure to the virus. PPIC researchers will discuss key takeaways from a new report that tracks arrest trends and explores correlations with pandemic-era policies and events.


Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

As the PPIC Statewide Survey celebrates its 25th year, our latest survey examines Californians’ views on some of the top issues facing the state, including the economy, housing, and homelessness. It also looks at opinions on the state budget and tracks approval of state and federal elected officials. Survey analyst Rachel Lawler will present key findings and discuss takeaways with associate survey director Dean Bonner.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Key findings include overwhelming majorities say housing affordability and homelessness are a big problem; many Californians worry younger generations will be unable to afford a home. Majorities expect bad times ahead for the state financially. Approval of Newsom and Biden has remained steady, while approval has fallen for the US Supreme Court and Congress.

blog post

California’s Highly Educated Immigrants

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez, Hans Johnson

Recent immigrants to California are among the most educated residents of the state. More than half of the working-age immigrants who arrived over the past ten years hold a bachelor’s or graduate degree.

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