blog post Commentary: Water Partnerships between Cities and Farms Would Help Prepare for a Changing Climate By Alvar Escriva-Bou Jan 20, 2021 San Joaquin Valley farms and Southern California cities face different but equally daunting water challenges. Both regions’ water futures could be more secure if they jointly developed and managed some water supplies.
blog post New Laws Address Water Affordability and Wildfire Risks By Henry McCann, Gokce Sencan Nov 16, 2020 The pandemic and recession forced tough decisions in Sacramento this year. Despite challenging circumstances, several high-priority bills covering safe drinking water and wildfire risk reduction were enacted.
blog post Improving Water Resilience for Cities and Farms with Water Partnerships By Alvar Escriva-Bou Nov 2, 2020 The San Joaquin Valley and urban Southern California are worlds apart, yet each face growing water challenges. Water partnerships that take advantage of shared water infrastructure can help both regions have a more secure water future.
Report Water Partnerships between Cities and Farms in Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan, Ellen Hanak, Robert Wilkinson Oct 28, 2020 The San Joaquin Valley and urban Southern California are worlds apart, but each faces growing water challenges. Both regions’ water futures could be more secure if they take advantage of shared water infrastructure to jointly develop and manage some water supplies.
blog post What’s the Plan to End Groundwater Overdraft in the San Joaquin Valley? By Jelena Jezdimirovic, Ellen Hanak, Alvar Escriva-Bou Apr 6, 2020 The COVID-19 hasn’t stopped state-mandated work on managing groundwater for long-term sustainability. This post examines how new groundwater plans propose to end overdraft.
Fact Sheet Dams in California By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Jeffrey Mount, Jelena Jezdimirovic Sep 4, 2019 Dams are central to California’s water system, providing storage, flood control, electricity, and recreation. Climate change is complicating how they are managed.
blog post Learning the Language of Groundwater By Lori Pottinger Jun 18, 2019 Managing groundwater sustainably is a complex topic. Knowing the language is key to engaging in the conversation. This glossary can get you started.
blog post A Momentous Water Year By Ellen Hanak Jan 15, 2019 The year in review at the PPIC Water Policy Center by center director Ellen Hanak.
blog post Make California’s Water Grid Climate-Ready By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak Sep 6, 2018 Climate pressures are seriously stressing the state’s water system. California must prepare its water grid for greater extremes and growing water scarcity.
blog post How Much Water Is Available for Groundwater Recharge? By Alvar Escriva-Bou Jun 14, 2018 Knowing how much water can be used for recharge in the San Joaquin Valley is key to filling the state’s biggest groundwater gap.