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Do Registration Reforms Add New Voters or Keep Californians Registered?

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero

In recent years, new voter registration and voter address updates have surged—due largely to California’s new process for automatic voter registration. But registration reforms have not significantly diversified the electorate, and the state may need to do more to engage newly registered voters.

blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Stephanie Barton

Researchers Deja Thomas and Dean Bonner discuss key findings from the recent PPIC Statewide Survey, which examines views on key November ballot measures, partisan preferences for congressional candidates, confidence in US democracy, and other topics.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Key findings include: Proposition 30 on reducing greenhouse gas emissions has lost ground in the past month, with support among likely voters now falling short of a majority. Democrats hold an overall edge across the state's competitive districts; the outcomes could determine which party controls the US House of Representatives. Four in ten likely voters are satisfied with how democracy is working in the US. Many Californians have negative perceptions of their personal finances and the US economy this election season.

blog post

Voters’ Views on November’s Propositions

By Mark Baldassare

As we near the midterm election, voters’ attitudes toward key statewide ballot measures, as well as toward potential reforms to the initiative process, suggest that California’s system of direct democracy remains a work in progress.

blog post

Primary Takeaways and a Preview of the Fall Election

By Mark Baldassare

The final results from California’s June primary provide insights into the state of our state’s democracy and shed light on the political context for the November general election.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Key finding include: Rising prices, the economy, and housing are the top issues for Californians. Most approve of the $18 billion package that Governor Newsom has proposed to address inflation. Majorities think the nation is headed in the wrong direction and anticipate bad economic times in the next year. For the November midterm elections, most likely voters favor the Democratic candidate in their House district and prefer a candidate who wants Roe v. Wade kept in place.


2024 Election

PPIC provides timely, independent insights on the state’s electorate and important ballot choices.

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