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What to Expect from California’s New Motor Voter Law

By Eric McGhee, Mindy Romero

In 2015, California passed major legislation to increase the state’s voter rolls by simplifying the voter registration process. Under the New Motor Voter Act, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will electronically transmit information about DMV customers who are eligible to vote to the California Secretary of State, which will add eligible customers to the voter rolls unless they opt out.

We find that this law has the potential to significantly alter the demographic composition of the California electorate, making the population of registered voters more representative of the state as a whole. Our estimates also suggest that the new system may rapidly expand the voter rolls, adding more than 2 million new registrants in the first year.

Key implementation issues will decide the impact of the New Motor Voter Act. To ensure the law’s success, the state should require DMV customers to attest to their eligibility to vote as a precondition for completing their transaction. It will also be necessary to mobilize new registrants aggressively if they are to become new voters.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

By Mark Baldassare, Lunna Lopes, Dean Bonner, David Kordus

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Most Californians say that state funding for local schools is inadequate; solid majorities favor a Proposition 30 income tax increase extension and state and local school bonds.
  • Democrats and Republicans are divided on the Common Core standards. Still, a majority of Californians are confident that Common Core will help prepare students for college and careers.
  • While few Californians have heard of the Local Control Funding Formula, a solid majority are supportive after being read a short description of the policy.
  • Californians are concerned about preschool affordability; most favor using some of the state budget surplus to fund early childhood education programs.

All Adults [PDF]
Likely Voters [PDF]

Time Trends:
All Adults [PDF]
Likely Voters [PDF]

The survey was supported with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation, the LA Partnership for Early Childhood Investment, the Silver Giving Foundation, and the Stuart Foundation.


Regulating Marijuana in California

By Patrick Murphy, John Carnevale

If California legalizes recreational marijuana, the state should develop a single highly regulated marijuana market—for medical and recreational uses. Key policy goals will also need to be addressed—including limiting the illegal market, protecting public health and safety, and raising revenue for the state


California’s Exclusive Electorate: Who Votes and Why It Matters

By Mark Baldassare

Only half of California's adults are likely to vote in the 2016 presidential election, and these voters do not reflect the state's diversity, attitudes, or policy preferences. Changes to the election process will bring in new voters, but broader solutions are needed — including providing civics education, increasing economic mobility, and expanding citizenship rates.

This research was supported with funding from The James Irvine Foundation.


Putting California’s Voter Turnout in Context

By Eric McGhee, Daniel Krimm

Record-low turnout in recent elections and lagging registration rates have spurred efforts to make voting and registration easier. This report takes an in-depth look at both the scope and the nature of the problem, and explores additional reforms that might be pursued.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Lunna Lopes, Dean Bonner, David Kordus

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Public concern about the drought is at a record high: 69 percent of Californians say their regional water supply is a big problem.
  • A solid majority favor the governor’s budget (73%) and his state Earned Income Tax Credit proposal (60%).
  • Californians are divided on extending Proposition 30 tax increases. A solid majority (70%) favor increasing cigarette taxes, but fewer than half support other tax proposals.
  • Most California adults (67%) and public school parents (65%) say unvaccinated children should not attend public school. A large majority (87%) say vaccines are at least somewhat safe.

Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [PDF]
Governor Brown [PDF]
California State Legislature [PDF]
U.S. Congress [PDF]

Time Trends of Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [XLS]
Governor Brown [XLS]
California State Legislature [XLS]
U.S. Congress [XLS]

Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [PDF]
Economic Outlook for California [PDF]

Time Trends for the Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [XLS]
Economic Outlook for California [XLS]

This survey was supported with funding from The James Irvine Foundation.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Renatta DeFever, Lunna Lopes, Dean Bonner

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Californians are worried about the water supply in their part of the state and say that people in their region are not doing enough to respond to the drought.
  • Many share the governor’s concern about the state’s roads and bridges; fewer support tax increases to fund improvements.
  • Most favor using state budget surpluses to restore higher education funding, but only if tuition and fees do not increase.
  • Support for legalizing marijuana (53%) is at its highest point; more than half of Californians would not be bothered if a legal marijuana store opened in their neighborhood.

Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [PDF]
Governor Brown [PDF]
California State Legislature [PDF]
U.S. Congress [PDF]

Time Trends of Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [XLS]
Governor Brown [XLS]
California State Legislature [XLS]
U.S. Congress [XLS]

Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [PDF]
Economic Outlook for California [PDF]
General Direction of Things in the United States [PDF]
Economic Outlook for the United States [PDF]

Time Trends for the Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [XLS]
Economic Outlook for California [XLS]
General Direction of Things in the United States [XLS]
Economic Outlook for the United States [XLS]

This survey was supported with funding from The James Irvine Foundation.

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