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PPIC Turns 25

By Mark Baldassare

Through recessions, earthquakes, drought, a gubernatorial recall, and a "blue wave"—PPIC has provided objective, nonpartisan, evidence-based research to California policymakers and the public for 25 years.

blog post

Toward Understanding Racial Disparities in Arrests

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

The number of arrests made in California per year has dropped dramatically since its peak in 1990, but African Americans continue to be significantly overrepresented among those arrested. New work by PPIC tracks these changes.


Charter Schools and California’s Local Control Funding Formula

By Iwunze Ugo, Laura Hill

Over the two decades since their inception, charter schools have become a significant part of the California public school system. Quasi-independent, but publicly funded, these schools educate about 10 percent of the state’s students.

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