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Community College Math in California’s New Era of Student Access

Over the past few years, a landmark law (AB 705) has required California’s community colleges to move away from remedial courses, dramatically expanding student access to the math and English courses needed to transfer to a four-year college. How has the pandemic affected these reforms? Is AB 705 leading to better—and more equitable—student outcomes? PPIC researcher Cesar Alesi Perez will outline new findings, and a panel of experts will talk about promoting equity and student success in the AB 705 era.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Community College Math in California’s New Era of Student Access

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez

After AB 705 expanded access to courses needed for transfer, the rate of students passing introductory math shot up. Racial equity gaps in access have narrowed, but some students are still enrolling in courses that don’t count for transfer.


Community College Math in California’s New Era of Student Access

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez

In fall 2019, California’s community colleges began implementing AB 705, making reforms to place thousands of students away from remedial courses and directly into the introductory courses necessary to transfer to a four-year college. In this report, we focus on math courses and the progress that colleges and students have made under the new system as of fall 2020.


Keeping College Affordable for California Students

By Kevin Cook, Jacob Jackson

California’s financial aid programs reduce tuition for most students. But the state and its higher education institutions can improve college access and success by providing additional aid to lower-income students, addressing growing non-tuition costs, and eliminating barriers that increase the time it takes to earn a degree.


Groundwater and Urban Growth in the San Joaquin Valley

By Andrew Ayres, Ellen Hanak, Henry McCann, David Mitchell ...

As the San Joaquin Valley addresses groundwater overdraft under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), its urban utilities face unique challenges. Learn how to ensure a smooth transition for the region’s residents.


Advancing Ecosystem Restoration with Smarter Permitting

By Letitia Grenier, Stephanie Panlasigui, Crissy Pickett, Gokce Sencan

California’s ecosystems are vital to the state’s economy and wellbeing, yet they’re in dire health. Large-scale restoration is needed, and implementing smarter permitting can help.

blog post

Testimony: Increasing Community College Transfers

By Hans Johnson

In testimony for the Regents of the University of California, PPIC’s Hans Johnson discusses progress in increasing community college transfers and ways to further improve the transfer pathway.

blog post

When a Lack of Air Conditioning is a Public Health Threat

By Lori Pottinger

California is getting hotter, which is leading to public health inequities caused by a lack of air conditioning. We talked to Kelly Sanders of the University of Southern California about addressing “air conditioning deserts."


Counting California: Challenges for the 2020 Census

By Sarah Bohn, Eric McGhee, Lynette Ubois

California has worked hard in preparing for the census and has invested deeply to meet the high-stakes challenge of counting every resident. A House seat and the allocation of billions in federal funds are on the line.

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