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blog post

Drought, Water Supply Are Top Environmental Concerns in California

By Rachel Lawler, Annabelle Rosser, Gokce Sencan

As the state copes with yet another severe fire season, a new PPIC survey finds that Californians are very concerned about drought and water supply—and they’re increasingly linking these issues to climate change.

blog post

What It Means to Store Water for the Environment

By Sarah Bardeen

In times of drought, California’s ecosystems often suffer. CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow Sarah Null is investigating how to better manage scarce water supplies so that the state can protect vulnerable ecosystems—even as the climate changes.

Fact Sheet

Paying for California’s Water System

By Caitrin Chappelle, Ellen Hanak, Annabelle Rosser

Most funding for California’s water system comes from local water bills and taxes. During droughts and recessions, revenues decline, making it harder for water agencies to keep up with needed investments.

Fact Sheet

Water Affordability in California

By Caitrin Chappelle, Ellen Hanak

With the cost of supplying water growing in many parts of the state, an affordability crisis is brewing—both for families facing higher bills and communities trying to maintain safe systems.

blog post

California’s Latest Drought in 4 Charts

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Jeffrey Mount, Michael Dettinger

California is in drought again. Knowing what’s different and what’s similar compared to the past major drought can help us better prepare the most vulnerable sectors.

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