blog post School Funding, COVID-19, and the 2020 Election Year By Mark Baldassare Apr 28, 2020 Although many Californians prioritize K-12 schools for state spending, a looming recession could dampen support for ballot measures for school funding.
blog post How Is the Pandemic Affecting Wildfire Preparedness? By Henry McCann, Van Butsic Apr 27, 2020 Catastrophic wildfires in recent years set off a wave of efforts to reduce this risk across the state. The COVID-19 pandemic could complicate this work.
Statewide Survey PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Education By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler Apr 22, 2020 Key findings from the current survey include many California parents see school closures for COVID-19 as somewhat of a problem and are concerned with providing productive learning at home. An overwhelming majority of parents approve of school districts’ handling of closures and Governor Newsom’s handling of K–12 education. As optimism wanes about the economy, views on school bonds are mixed.
blog post Video: Californians and Their Government By Mary Severance Feb 27, 2020 PPIC’s latest statewide survey looks at support for a school facilities bond, views on housing and homelessness, and the Democratic presidential primary race in California.
event Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government Feb 21, 2020 PPIC’s latest survey tracks Californians’ views on elected officials, housing and homelessness, and the high speed rail and Delta Tunnel projects. It also gauges candidate preferences in the 2020 Democratic primary, the importance of voting in 2020 and of the 2020 Census, and support for upcoming Proposition 13.
Statewide Survey PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler Feb 20, 2020 Key findings from the current survey: A slight majority of likely voters (51%) support a March ballot measure for a $15 billion bond to construct and modernize public education facilities. Most Californians (63%) say housing affordability is a big problem in their area, and 70 percent approve of Governor Newsom’s plan to spend $1 billion to address homelessness. Californians give mixed reviews to Newsom’s plan to scale back high-speed rail but support plans to scale back the Delta water tunnel project. Heading into the Democratic primary, Sanders leads (32%), trailed by Biden (14%), Warren (13%), Bloomberg (12%), and Buttigieg (12%).
blog post Governor’s Budget Addresses Growing Wildfire Risks By Henry McCann Jan 27, 2020 Governor Newsom’s budget supports an array of tools for reducing the growing threat of wildfire.
blog post Governor’s Budget Seeks to Build Water Resilience By Ellen Hanak, Gokce Sencan Jan 21, 2020 A look at the water and climate priorities laid out in two new documents: the state’s draft Water Resilience Portfolio and the governor’s proposed budget.
Statewide Survey PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Alyssa Dykman Jan 15, 2020 Key findings from the current survey include Sanders (27%), Biden (24%), and Warren (23%) are the frontrunners in California’s Democratic presidential primary; Most Californians say President Trump should be removed from office and disapprove of his handling of the situation with Iran; More than half (53%) of likely voters support a statewide measure to authorize $15 billion in bonds for construction and modernization of public education facilities; 36 percent oppose it and 10 percent are undecided; Californians are most likely to name homelessness as the most important issue for the governor and legislature to address in the coming year.