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blog post

The Ocean Is More than a Pretty Place to Californians

By Deja Thomas

Two in three Californians—including solid majorities among both inland and coastal residents--believe the condition of oceans and beaches are very important to the state's economy and quality of life. Majorities say that plastics, marine debris, and declining marine life in the Pacific are major problems.

blog post

Maximizing Benefits of Solar Development in the San Joaquin Valley

By Annabelle Rosser, Mitchelle De Leon

Solar development offers one promising way to soften the economic blow as more irrigated farmland comes out of production in the San Joaquin Valley. We met with a diverse range of stakeholders to discuss how to maximize benefits—and mitigate potential harm.

blog post

The Environmental Benefits of the Water Storage Investment Program

By Gokce Sencan, Jeffrey Mount

The Water Storage Investment Program is the first attempt use public funds to incentivize new water storage for the environment. While the program has faced some challenges, it could prove to be a useful model for future efforts—with some improvements.

blog post

California’s Environment Needs a Water Budget

By Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray

Giving the environment its own water budget would help protect species and ecosystems, and foster cooperation over water allocation during droughts.

blog post

Why Is the Delta Starving?

By Sarah Bardeen

PPIC Water Policy Center fellow James Cloern discusses his new study, which estimates—for the first time—just how much primary production the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has lost. Can the state restore this process, which forms the base of the Delta’s food chain?

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