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Health Coverage and Care for Undocumented Immigrants: An Update

By Paulette Cha, Shannon McConville

COVID-19 has revealed how gaps in health care coverage among immigrants can put the health of entire communities at risk. This report updates findings on the ways undocumented Californians connect with the health care system to inform policy discussions around providing affordable health insurance for all.


The Political Views of Young Californians

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Dean Bonner

Do younger Californians have different opinions than older Californians on politics and policy? A new report reveals the gaps between younger and older Californians in their partisanship, ideology, and opinions on current issues. The young may be more liberal—and less polarized by party—than their older counterparts.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Economic Well-Being

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

Key findings include: A record-high 71 percent of Californians believe that children growing up in the state today will be worse off financially than their parents. Three in ten workers fear losing their jobs to new technology like artificial intelligence. A majority say that California will have bad economic times in the next 12 months; about half approve of how Governor Newsom is handling jobs and the economy.


Dual Enrollment in California

By Olga Rodriguez, Niu Gao

Dual enrollment provides opportunities for high school students to take college courses and earn college credit. The pandemic has fueled a nationwide surge in participation, and equity-centered legislation has raised dual enrollment’s profile in California. As dual enrollment expands, state leaders can take steps to promote equitable access and outcomes.


District Spending of One-Time Funds for Educational Recovery

By Julien Lafortune, Laura Hill, Niu Gao, Joseph Herrera ...

To address COVID-19 disruptions to education, federal and state programs directed billions in stimulus aid to K–12 schools. These programs allocated greater funding to lower-income and high-need districts—and California districts applied their early funds to health, safety, and technology. More recently, spending has prioritized learning recovery.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

As the California Legislature considers placing a school facilities bond on the November 2024 ballot, around half of likely voters say they would vote yes on such a measure. About eight in ten public school parents see catching up academically or addressing the pandemic’s social-emotional impact as the biggest K–12 challenge.

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