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blog post

Census Delays Complicate California’s Election Process

By Eric McGhee

Delays in the 2020 Census due to COVID-19 mean that the state’s redistricting commission will set legislative boundaries later than originally planned, which could cause challenges for California’s election timelines.

blog post

Early Support and High Hopes for President Joe Biden

By Mark Baldassare

Strong majorities of Californians approve of how President Biden is handling his job and think he will be able to work with Congress to accomplish a lot in the next year. But views are split along partisan lines.

blog post

Diversity in the California Statehouse

By Jennifer Paluch

White lawmakers account for a disproportionately large share of the legislature, while Latinos are underrepresented. But the legislature has gotten more diverse in recent years.

blog post

Election Takeaways: California Voters Send Conflicting Signals

By Mark Baldassare

Nearly 18 million Californians voted in the November 2020 election—an all-time high. PPIC’s Mark Baldassare discusses the final election results and what they say about Californians’ mindset and policy preferences in a year of unprecedented challenges.

blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC’s Rachel Lawler and Mark Baldassare discuss a new statewide survey that examines Californians’ views on the top issues facing the state, key November ballot measures, and the presidential election.

blog post

Paying for Forest Health Projects

By Henry McCann

State and federal leaders have agreed to vastly expand vegetation management in California’s forests to reduce wildfire risk. Is it enough to keep pace?

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