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blog post

UC and CSU Face Budget Challenges

By Kevin Cook

The University of California and California State University face significant revenue loss this year and may see further cuts in the coming years.

Fact Sheet

State Financial Aid in California

By Kevin Cook, Jacob Jackson, Courtney Lee

California’s financial aid programs help large numbers of middle- and low-income students attend college--but many are excluded by complex eligibility requirements, and most non-tuition costs are not covered.

blog post

Coping with High Housing Costs in College

By Hans Johnson

With higher housing costs in California making it increasingly expensive to attend college, more college students are living with their parents.

Fact Sheet

Public Preschools in California

By Caroline Danielson, Tess Thorman

Most parents of young children work, but public preschool programs are fragmented and currently unable to serve all who are eligible. Improvements will require a multipronged approach.


Coordinating California’s Higher Education System

By Paul Warren

Establishing an independent council to provide leadership, expertise, and coordination across sectors of higher education would help California better meet student and workforce needs. This brief report outlines key considerations for building a successful council.

Fact Sheet

California’s State Budget: The Governor’s Proposal

By Radhika Mehlotra, Patrick Murphy

Governor Newsom’s first budget proposal would build up budget reserves and pay down debt—while increasing funding for housing, education, and health and human services.

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