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The Political Views of Young Californians

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Dean Bonner

Do younger Californians have different opinions than older Californians on politics and policy? A new report reveals the gaps between younger and older Californians in their partisanship, ideology, and opinions on current issues. The young may be more liberal—and less polarized by party—than their older counterparts.

blog post

Video: Do Registration Reforms Add New Voters or Keep Californians Registered?

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC policy director and senior fellow Eric McGhee discusses new research on whether changes to certain voter registration processes in California have increased registration, made the electorate more representative of the state’s population, and helped keep California's voter file current.


Do Registration Reforms Add New Voters or Keep Californians Registered?

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero

In recent years, new voter registration and voter address updates have surged—due largely to California’s new process for automatic voter registration. But registration reforms have not significantly diversified the electorate, and the state may need to do more to engage newly registered voters.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Do Registration Reforms Add New Voters or Keep Californians Registered?

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero, Stephanie Barton

Automatic voter registration and streamlined address updates have brought new voters onto the rolls while helping those who move within the state stay registered—but these reforms have not improved representation. To bring more young and diverse Californians into the electorate, the state must broaden its efforts to register new voters.

blog post

California’s Renters

By Eric McGhee, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Hans Johnson

California's housing shortage puts particular financial pressure on renters, who account for more than four in ten of the state's households. What do we know about California's renters and how they are faring in the current housing market?


Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

The latest survey tracks voter preferences and enthusiasm in the run-up to California’s March 5 primary. It gauges opinions about local, state, and national economic conditions and views of the state budget. It also examines views on the situation at the US–Mexico border as well as the role the US should play in conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

Schiff, Porter, and Garvey lead in the top-two primary for the US Senate, while Trump is poised to capture all of California's delegates in the Republican presidential primary. Majorities see the situation at the US-Mexico border as a major problem.

blog post

Who’s Leaving California—and Who’s Moving In?

By Hans Johnson, Eric McGhee

The primary driver of California's population loss over the past few years has been residents moving to other states. We examine the latest demographic data for those moving out of and into our state and discuss factors that underlie these decisions.

Fact Sheet

Immigrants in California

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez, Hans Johnson

California is home to more than 10 million immigrants—almost a quarter of the foreign-born population nationwide. Almost half of California’s immigrants are from Latin America, but a majority of recent arrivals come from Asia.

Fact Sheet

Law Enforcement Staffing in California

By Brandon Martin, Magnus Lofstrom, Andrew Skelton

Law enforcement is funded largely at the local level, and almost half of California’s law enforcement officers work for municipal police departments. Staffing levels continued to drop in 2022, though losses vary across agencies.

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