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Video: Proposition 47 and Racial Disparities in California

By Mary Severance

PPIC’s Brandon Martin presents new research on how Prop 47 has narrowed racial inequities in criminal justice outcomes—though much work remains. An expert panel discusses how to build on this and other reforms.

blog post

Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality

By Daniel Tan, Paulette Cha

The intersection of social and economic inequities put African Americans at greater risk than other Californians of dying from the coronavirus.

blog post

Prison Admissions Resume as COVID-19 Spreads

By Heather Harris

California has resumed prison admissions after an eight-week moratorium, a change that – if it leads to increased crowding -- could put the prison population at heightened risk of contracting COVID-19.

blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Mary Severance

PPIC’s Mark Baldassare and Rachel Lawler discuss a new statewide survey that examines Californians’ views on the coronavirus pandemic, state and federal leaders, and a range of other topics.

blog post

Racial Disparities Are Widespread in California

By Sarah Bohn, Magnus Lofstrom, Lynette Ubois

Addressing disparities across a wide range of areas – criminal justice, health, income and wealth, education – is essential to improving the safety and overall well-being of California’s African American communities.

blog post

Views of Police Treatment Vary Widely By Race/Ethnicity

By Mark Baldassare, Rachel Lawler, Lynette Ubois

PPIC’s February survey showed that while most Californians believe local police typically treat all racial and ethnic groups fairly, African Americans are far less likely than others to hold this view.

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