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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Labor Force Participation in California

By Julien Lafortune, Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan ...

California’s labor force participation is shrinking, mainly because of an aging population. But significant gaps across demographic groups are also a concern. How can California remove barriers to work, boost participation, and build a strong workforce for years to come?


Labor Force Participation in California

By Julien Lafortune, Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan ...

California’s labor force participation is shrinking, mainly because of an aging population. But significant gaps across demographic groups are also a concern. How can California remove barriers to work, boost participation, and build a strong workforce for years to come?

blog post

Who’s Leaving California—and Who’s Moving In?

By Hans Johnson, Eric McGhee

The primary driver of California's population loss over the past few years has been residents moving to other states. We examine the latest demographic data for those moving out of and into our state and discuss factors that underlie these decisions.

Fact Sheet

Self-Employment in California

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan, Sarah Bohn

Self-employment is an important contributor to California’s economy; the self-employed make up 11% of workers statewide and the jobs they create account for 23% of total employment. Rates of self-employment vary across regions and demographic groups.

Fact Sheet

Who Are California’s Workers?

By Tess Thorman, Jenny Duan, Sarah Bohn

Most of California’s 19 million workers earn wages or salaries. Californians work in a variety of occupations and sectors, and wages vary widely across regions and demographic groups.

Fact Sheet

Immigrants in California

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez, Hans Johnson

California is home to more than 10 million immigrants—almost a quarter of the foreign-born population nationwide. Almost half of California’s immigrants are from Latin America, but a majority of recent arrivals come from Asia.

Fact Sheet

California’s Population

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Eric McGhee

Growth in the nation’s most populous state has slowed notably in the 21st century, with recent years bringing a drop in population due to higher deaths, lower births, and changes in migration. More than half of Californians under 24 are Latino while more than half of Californians 65 and older are white.


Making Sense of California’s Economy

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune, Vicki Hsieh

We take a look at where California's economy has been, where it might be headed, and how we can better insulate Californians against future upheavals.

Fact Sheet

California’s Higher Education System

By Kevin Cook

The nation’s largest public system of higher learning is in California. Nearly 80% of state students attend a public institution, with over half enrolling in community college—making transfer into a four-year college a key path to a bachelor’s degree. Funds to support higher education and financial aid account for about 7% of the state’s budget.

Fact Sheet

Law Enforcement Staffing in California

By Brandon Martin, Magnus Lofstrom, Andrew Skelton

Law enforcement is funded largely at the local level, and almost half of California’s law enforcement officers work for municipal police departments. Staffing levels continued to drop in 2022, though losses vary across agencies.

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